NO MORE’s ninth annual NO MORE Week is March 6- March 12, 2022
Join us for our virtual NO MORE Summit the week of March 6- March 12, 2022
We have adapted the Bi-Annual NO MORE Summit to be virtual to ensure safety of the public and proceed with health precautions due to COVID-19.
- Coffee Sleeve Campaign
March 6-13, 2022
Location: Coffee Shops and businesses in Washington State
Help bring awareness to domestic violence and sexual assault while also supporting the small businesses in Washington State as they partner in saying NO MORE and are distributing coffee sleeves as a resource. Visit our ‘Take Action’ Coffee Sleeve Campaign page to learn more about the campaign and follow our social media @wasaysnomore to locate our coffee shop partners!
- NO MORE Summit: Building a Movement Against Domestic and Sexual Violence: The History of NO MORE Webinar
- NO MORE Summit: Building a Movement Against Domestic and Sexual Violence: The History of NO MORE Webinar
Sunday March 6, 2022 at 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. (PST)
Webinar Link:
Join NO MORE Co-Founder, NO MORE Global Executive Director, as well as the Co-Founder and Campaign Director of Washington Says NO MORE for a virtual session of Building a Movement Against Domestic and Sexual Violence: The History of NO MORE to kick-off NO MORE Week 2022 and NWCAVE’s virtual NO MORE Summit.
Together, we will discuss the history of NO MORE’s work and the importance of grassroots activism in ending domestic and sexual violence around the world.
- NO MORE Summit: Media Matters Webinar
Monday March 7, 2022 at 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. (PST)
Webinar Link:
Join us for our virtual NO MORE Summit where NWCAVE’s Washington SAYS NO MORE campaign will moderate a virtual session of Media Matters presented by Michelle Bart, NWCAVE Co-founder and President, as well as a nationally recognized media consultant. There will also be a guest speaker, Araksya Karapetyan, co-anchor of FOX 11 Los Angles Good Day LA morning show.
Media Matters is a discussion on how not to revictimize the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault when covering a case or story.
- NO MORE Summit: Mental Health, Self-Care, and Healing After Trauma Webinar
Tuesday March 8, 2022 at 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. (PST)
Webinar Link:
Join us for our virtual NO MORE Summit where NWCAVE’s Washington SAYS NO MORE campaign will moderate a virtual session of Mental Health, Self-Care, and Healing After Trauma presented by Daryn Nelsen-Soza, MSW, LICSW, LCSW, and serves on NAMI WA Board of Directors.
Research supports the intersectional nature of sexual harassment and violence is associated with a higher risk of increased feelings of shame, higher rates of depression, anxiety, stress, dissociation and hyper-arousal commonly associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Together, we will explore the National Alliance on Mental Illness’ (NAMI’s) view on mental health, the emotional stages of recovery, and self-care.
- NO MORE Summit: Finding Justice For Our Relatives Webinar
Wednesday March 9, 2022 at 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. (PST)
Webinar Link:
Join us for our virtual NO MORE Summit where NWCAVE’s Washington SAYS NO MORE campaign will moderate a virtual session of Finding Justice For Our Relatives presented by Lori Jump, Director of StrongHearts Native Helpline. The presentation will introduce StrongHearts Native Helpline as a resource for Native American and Alaska Natives impacted by domestic, dating, and sexual violence, as well as discuss the link of historical trauma to colonization and identify barriers to justice.
- NO MORE Summit: Domestic Violence Safety Planning 101 Webinar
Thursday March 10, 2022 at 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. (PST)
Webinar Link:
Join us for our virtual NO MORE Summit where NWCAVE’s Washington SAYS NO MORE campaign will moderate a virtual session of Domestic Violence Safety Planning presented by Taylor Johnson, Communications Director of NWCAVE, Co-founder of Washington Says NO MORE, former domestic violence advocate for the YWCA, and a MSW. The presentation explores a variety of strategies and resources intended to help you or someone you know stay safe in the midst of abuse.
- NO MORE Summit: Understanding Healthy Relationships and Dating Abuse Webinar
Friday March 11, 2022 at 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. (PST)
Webinar Link:
Join us for our virtual NO MORE Summit where NWCAVE’s Washington SAYS NO MORE campaign will moderate a virtual session of Understanding Healthy Relationships and Dating Abuse presented by Rosemary Estrada-Rade, Director of Quality Assurance & Innovation at the National Domestic Violence Hotline. In this presentation we discuss what makes a healthy relationship incorporating a few key elements: healthy communication, healthy boundaries, mutual respect, and support for one another.
- NO MORE Summit: Virtual Anti-Violence Event with Grammy-Nominated Artist Mary Lambert
Saturday March 11, 2022 at 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. (PST)
Location: NWCAVE’s Facebook Live (@nwcave)
- 2nd Annual NO MORE Week Virtual 5K to End Domestic & Sexual Violence
March 6- 13, 2022
Register here:
Registration opens January 7th, 2022 and closes on March 13th. When you register you will receive a t-shirt and a bid number too! Register with our ‘Washington Says NO MORE’ team and start training today.

Washington Says No More Planning Committee Meetings
Want to get involved?