Over a century ago, Washington women said no more as they advocated for equal voting rights. Today, Washington women are saying no more to sexual assault and domestic violence.
The early Women’s Rights Movements began in July of 1848.
Activists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott proclaimed that “all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
Modeled after the Declaration of Independence, the nearly 300 women and men who participated in the Women’s Rights Convention discussed a Declaration of Sentiments, stating that all men and women are created equal.
By 1861, suffragist Susan B. Anthony headed for Washington, eventually establishing the first Washington Territorial Woman’s Suffrage Association alongside other women and men. This sparked hope for women’s voting rights in Washington, and eventually all of the United States.
Washington women finally won the right to vote on November 8, 1910. Within 10 years, the 19th amendment unified suffrage laws nationwide.
In July of 1884, Washington women and men declared independence. Now, they are declaring No More.
As women’s rights have change the priorities have too. Women across Washington State are now standing together to say No More to sexual assault and domestic violence. By using the right to vote and working with lawmakers the need for education and resources for both men and women is an ongoing battle.
Engage with us and join the movement using hashtag #WASaysNoMore